Wonderful and Thoughtful

With the greatest pleasure, I am posting a birthday present I received from my friend Josiane. I watched her create these for several gifts and oohh'd and ahhh'd over them while she put them together. I know she planned to give them as gifts. I just kept hoping I'd be lucky enough to receive one. And voila! At lunch at our favorite Thai restaurant off McArthur in Irving, I became one of the lucky few!
This so tickles me to have one, it's in it's place of honor on my hutch in my scrapbook room where I can look at it with pleasure!
Scrapbdazzled by my Generous and Talented Friend Josiane
You are too kind. I am so tickled that you were hoping that you would get one. I never had a clue you were thinking that. You had never said anything. :)
Hope you enjoy your bday present!
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