Quick Journaling While on My Trip
Ok, so its obvious! I am hooked on the topic of journaling about vacation. But I saw the neatest idea for capturing my journaling and building a picture scrapbook of where I have been and tracking my whereabouts for one year.
So I was cropping last weekend with friends at the Bucket....... One of the ladies, Tracy is genius at her best.
Last year Tracy made a 5 x 7 album cover and tab pages for each month of the year. She collects postcards from all the places she visits that month while she is traveling for work. On the back of each postcard is her journaling, thoughts about work, what's going on in her life besides work, neat things she sees while she is on location (postcard location). Each postcard is filed away by month between covers and under tab, with a hole punch at the end and a ring to hold it all together. She has an awesome mini album that captures the year. She was making gift albums for all of her staff for this year's upcoming travels.
The neatest thing about this is that you can buy postcards anywhere and could use this idea right here in good old Texas, just dash by the postcard rack in every local store pick up a postcard for the week that says something about your mind, mood, or location. Jot down your journaling notes on the back, give it a punch for assembly and you're finished.

I am cropping this weekend at the Bucket, needless to say my bag is full of supplies to assembly a bunch of these babies, I see gift albums galore and my very own journal of places I travel this year. Be it travels of life opportunities or new locations for work and play. Don't you just love it!
Make your own postcard journals and add a few postscripts for fun!